
ArticleDon’t Be a Creeper or a Wallflower: 5 Ways to Network At B2B Events

Don’t Be a Creeper or a Wallflower: 5 Ways to Network At B2B Events

For those of us who attend conferences, workshops and industry events regularly, it becomes easy to spot the different ‘networker’ profiles.

There’s always the ‘straight out of college’ marketing intern who fires out business cards at light-speed and performs the same pitch to every person. The quiet developer who slinks in the background avoiding eye-contact. And the somewhat creepy terminator-esque sales whizz who scans the crowd for his next target, then pounces.

Conferences and B2B networking events offer a great means of extending your network, meeting new clients, hires, partners or investors. But when dealing with experienced Business-to-Business networkers, you need to be prepared to work the room in the right way, and show the bes...

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