
ArticleHow to Build a Culture of "I'm Wrong"

How to Build a Culture of "I'm Wrong"

The only guarantee as a startup Founder is that we are going to be wrong — all the time.

Like, really, really wrong. We're going to be wrong about who we hire, what product decisions we make... hell, our entire startup idea is going to be a steaming pile of dung.

But guess what? That's OK.

Where we blow this up for ourselves is thinking that we have to have the right answer for every aspect of our startup. Of course, we want to get to the right answer, but the likelihood that we're going to "know it" from scratch is pretty much zero. Even if we do, we just got lucky.

The Business Idea is Wrong

Somehow we've built this mythology that great Founders have these "stroke of genius" ideas right out of the gates, and all they do from there is j...

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