
ArticleHow to Overcome 5 Common Objections to Your SaaS Product |

How to Overcome 5 Common Objections to Your SaaS Product |

You’d think that by now nearly everyone would be sold on the idea of SaaS, cloud services, and the power and flexibility of a subscription service to meet their needs.

You’d think.

Unfortunately, not everyone is convinced that SaaS is a legitimate model for software usage and purchase.

I’m going to go through their main objections one by one. What you need to know at the outset is that many B2B decision makers view cloud solutions with a heavy dose of skepticism. As many as 49% of companies are concerned about data and the security of their information in a cloud context.

Let me set the stage for what you’re about to read.

  • In this article, I’m going to discuss some of the main objections to SaaS. I’m referring primarily to B2B SaaS that ha...

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