
ArticleThe Founders Agreement: Saving Your Startup From Co-Founder Conflict

The Founders Agreement: Saving Your Startup From Co-Founder Conflict

In late 2013, I felt a strong calling to help build a tech company. That urge to create connected communities through empowerment became my life’s mission.

Those ambitions were the inspiration for my startup, Feel Free. The company was designed to bring people together through technology. I poured my blood, sweat, and tears into making Feel Free a success.

When I founded the company, I never thought I would one day decide to give up my equity and walk away from my passion project.

Startup Success

Feel Free was intended to foster physical spaces where people could connect and collaborate. We wanted to create designated areas in coffee shops and co-working spaces that would encourage face-to-face interactions.

Visitors would use our app to au...

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