
ArticleThe Secrets to Side Project Success

The Secrets to Side Project Success

You’re a startup founder. An idea machine. But it doesn’t matter how many ideas you have; those are a dime a dozen. What matters more is how you’re going to turn ideas into reality. So there’s a fork in the road: Pursue your side project (e.g. your passion), or keep your full-time job?

Delaying your side project could save time and money. Then again, going through with it could add color to your life and massive value to your company.

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be an either/or scenario. You can make room for passion projects without ditching your post. Almost all the companies I’m running today started as side projects.

A few years ago, I was working as a hedge fund manager and a CTO of a Hollywood church. I was doing a little side con...

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