
ArticleThe Value of Paying Your Dues

The Value of Paying Your Dues

Paying your dues sucks. When I started my career, I got told by everyone older than me that whenever they handed me shit work I should be thankful because I was “paying my dues”.

I assumed it was some tired colloquialism for getting young people to do work at sub-market rates without questioning their own value.

When I had to do client work for the equivalent of $1 per hour (I didn’t know the value of estimating client work back then) I was told I was paying my dues.

When I was up to my eyeballs in personal debt to build my startup, I was told I was paying my dues.

When I was working every waking hour, not seeing my friends and family and not celebrating Christmas for years on end, I was also told I was paying my dues (in addition to being...

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