
ArticleWhy I Quit a 6-Figure Job at McDonald’s to Become a Fitness Entrepreneur

Why I Quit a 6-Figure Job at McDonald’s to Become a Fitness Entrepreneur

Why the hell would anyone quit a stable, successful, six-figure job at a global company? A job where you work with fun, intelligent colleagues, get heated covered parking (crucial in Chicago), and can travel the world almost any day you choose. A career that helps support a family, pays the mortgage, and still leaves a few bucks left over for all the protein bars you can eat. You’d have to be an idiot, right?!

Hi — I’m Dennis. Your typical idiot entrepreneur.

My sources of motivation: family, friends, sports, and a startup. (Dennis Timpanaro)

Truth is, some days I do feel like a real dumb dumb for starting my own business. Those days I tend to focus on my shortcomings and failures. I vividly relive getting cut at the Olympic Trials, being ...

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