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ArticleQuuu: Hand-Curation of Great Content for You

Quuu: Hand-Curation of Great Content for You

Daniel Kempe, after a series of careers that ran the gamut — from builder, typist, telecoms engineer and freelance designer — decided to try his hand at content marketing. What he found was a landscape teeming with great content, complimented by some great automation tools. But, while tools like Buffer were great for automating sharing, Daniel found that actually finding content to share was a major time suck.

“It was just a pain in the ass, really, to find really great content to share,” Daniel tells

And so, like so many startup founders before him, Daniel looked this problem in the eye and said: I can solve this.

Daniel teamed up with PR professional Matthew Spurr and award-winning developer Mubashar Iqbal to create Quuu, the...

ArticleLocation, Location, Location: The Cost of “Cheap”

Location, Location, Location: The Cost of “Cheap”

Are you in the startup or growth and establishment phase of your business? Odds are you’re already thinking about the importance of location.

Where you’re located might not be a huge concern when you’re the sole member of your “team”. However, once you grow the business past a critical point, you’ll need to attract additional talent and investment.

The temptation to set up shop in an inexpensive city is entirely understandable. On the face of it, it seems the most cost-effective option. After all, startup hubs such as New York, San Francisco, London, and Singapore regularly rank in the top 10 most expensive cities in the world, both for cost of living and cost of doing business. So why not go somewhere cheaper? Or even further afield: to a ...

ArticleCrowdfunding: Pros and Cons

Crowdfunding: Pros and Cons

Crowdfunding has become an increasingly popular way for individuals and businesses alike to raise much-needed capital. The relatively low cost of entry and accessibility of popular crowdfunding platforms have fueled this revolution in funding.

But while it might look easy — and seem like a no-brainer — to launch a crowdfunding campaign, there are strong pros and cons to consider.

Founders considering launching a crowdfunding campaign might wonder:

  1. Is it worth it?
  2. How hard will it really be?
  3. What are the true pros and cons of crowdfunding?

To answer those questions (and a few more that people might not have even thought of), we reached out to our network of crowdfunding experts.

Our list includes founders of crowdfunding platforms, serial...

ArticleStartup Forecasting: Pro Forma Template for Startups

Startup Forecasting: Pro Forma Template for Startups

Startups create financial projections in the form of a "Pro Forma Income Statement" — which simply means a financial forecast. Early-stage startups are still building their financial models with assumptions, forecasting everything from sales revenue to marketing costs to a basic cash flow projection.

We're going to explain exactly how to build financial projections for your startup even if you have no idea where to start!

Financial Projections are just Assumptions

Most businesses that have been around a while have historical financial statements that detail how operating expenses, direct costs, fixed costs, and their sales forecast have worked all along — startups have none of this.

Therefore instead of working from real-world data to build our...

Article4 Ways Small Businesses Can Maximize Productivity With Limited Resources

4 Ways Small Businesses Can Maximize Productivity With Limited Resources

People often automatically put small and large businesses into completely separate categories, even when they share the same space in the same market. Their logic is often that a small business can surely never compete with the resources and the horsepower of its corporate peers.

But (as you’ll know if you own a small business yourself) while small businesses seem to be at a disadvantage when it comes to resources, their ideas are just as good as the big guys. It’s just that these ideas often don’t have the same space and support to grow. Without big budgets, it’s harder to make investments in marketing, research, and hiring, so they can’t create the same kind of testing ground that large companies take for granted.

This lack of a lab in wh...

ArticleinDinero: An Accounting Firm for Entrepreneurs

inDinero: An Accounting Firm for Entrepreneurs

One of the hardest things about being a startup founder is that you’re expected to be an expert in everything. Bootstrapping founders quickly learn that they’re supposed to not only be the CEO but also the bookkeeper, HR department, janitor, tech support, customer service — everything. And while sometimes it’s a good idea to play all of those roles yourself (Some of you seriously are Renaissance humans. Looking at you, James Wolf.), other times it’s important to recognize where your limitations are and pay an expert to do it for you.

One such expert is Jessica Mah. Or, more specifically, Jessica Mah and her team of more than 200 employees at the entrepreneur-focused accounting firm inDinero.

Your Back Office

According to inDinero, a compan...

ArticleWhat is Company Culture?

What is Company Culture?

What is company culture?

Despite how obsessed the startup world is with company culture, there’s no singular definition we can all turn to. But there are really two parts to it: Philosophical and practical.

On a philosophical level, company culture is the intangible atmosphere of your company. Some people call it the “personality” or the “glue that holds everyone together” or even the “soul.” It’s as much a feeling — of belonging, of shared purpose, even of similar ways of dress — as it is an aspiration for the entire company to contribute to.

“The truth is that culture – on its own – is not the thing that will bring you success in whatever way you may define it for yourself and your team,” Adii Pienaar, founder of Conversio, says. “Buildin...

ArticleHow Crowdfunding Works

How Crowdfunding Works

Crowdfunding is a method of raising capital through the collective effort of friends, family, customers, and individual investors.

This approach taps into the collective efforts of a large pool of individuals — primarily online via social media and crowdfunding platforms — and leverages their networks for greater reach and exposure.

Sounds great, right?

But because this method is relatively new, many people don’t understand exactly how crowdfunding works.

Simply stated, crowdfunding works by presenting your idea to people inside and outside of your network and allowing them to contribute toward your fundraising goals online.

Who is the "Crowd" Anyway?

The crowd is essentially your personal network, potential customers, and — in the case ...

ArticleAtlas Recall: Saving You Hours, Increasing Productivity

Atlas Recall: Saving You Hours, Increasing Productivity

Imagine having easy access to the information spread across all of your devices and apps. Really, take a moment to think about how being able to quickly find anything you’ve seen in your digital life might transform your world.

Consider the hours, the days you’ve lost… Various studies show that workers spend 20% of their time searching for information and gathering data.

We are remarkably bad at retrieving information that we’ve already seen. So bad, it brings to mind the George Carlin bit on little moments that we all share: Did you ever look at your watch and then you don’t know what time it is? So you look again, and you still don’t know the time. And you look a third time, and somebody says, “What time is it?” and you say, “I don’t know...

ArticleA Mere Million Dollars

A Mere Million Dollars

In a world of billion dollar exits and absurd funding rounds, startup Founders have lost sight of what financial success really is.

Don’t get me wrong… Having billions of dollars is amazing. But, you know what else is cool? Making a million flipping dollars. Especially when you don’t have a million flipping dollars!

Let’s take the time to recalibrate how we think about startup success — and more specifically — Founder success. When we get to the point where we can only think of “success” as some astronomical, arbitrary outcome, we’re headed down a very dangerous path that affects our startup, our finances and — if we’re being honest — our health.

“But a $1 million business isn’t very big.”

No, a million dollar business isn’t very big. ...

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