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ArticleEmblem: Destroying the Blank Canvas for Designers

Emblem: Destroying the Blank Canvas for Designers

I believe in 5 years most designers won’t approach creating a brand the way they do now, and for good reason…

Creating a logo and all of the associated branding material requires a lot of experimenting.

Experimenting requires repetition and repetition wastes time.

As a brand designer myself, I wanted to quickly preview variations of a logo, typefaces, colors, and patterns all together on a variety of collateral items. I also wanted a way to then easily output these assets in ready-to-use formats that didn’t require hours of production work.

These tasks are tedious and could very easily be driven by software…not endless clicks of my mouse.

This is why we built Emblem.

Emblem was created to not only help non-designer types get started on thei...

ArticleThe Difficult Task of Startup Pricing

The Difficult Task of Startup Pricing

“…especially in the early days of your startup when you are less likely to reject work, when it’s done and dusted, and you assess your invested hours, more often or not you will find you have been underpaid. It is always hard to walk away from a job, but sometimes it is the necessary thing to do to maintain your a) business and b) soul.”

– Stephen Moore, Startup Pricing: It’s Not Always Right

Charging more can earn you less, underpricing can leave your company undervalued… The laws of nature seem to go haywire when we talk about pricing.

An exploration of why we tend to underprice by Stephen Moore, Co-Founder of Roots Furniture, triggered a discussion on how to best approach startup pricing. Did the Startups Live community pin down this sli...

ArticleA Brief History Of Crowdfunding [Infographic]

A Brief History Of Crowdfunding [Infographic]

Crowdfunding may seem like a new idea, but it actually has a long and rich history with roots going back to the 1700’s.

However, modern day crowdfunding — where people and businesses raise small amounts of money from a large group of people, usually online — has its origins in 1997.

In this infographic, we look at some of the historical movements that led to the development of crowdfunding as we know it, as well as major events over the past two decades that have shaped modern day crowdfunding.

Infographic text transcript:

1700’s: The Irish Loan Fund

The Irish Loan Fund was established by author and Irish nationalist Jonathon Swift in the early 1700’s as a way to provide loans to poor but creditworthy people in Dublin.

The Fund was succes...

ArticleStartup Finance: 3 Assumptions That Matter

Startup Finance: 3 Assumptions That Matter

Startups live and die by financial projections — yet we tend to suck at creating them!

That's because we're so busy trying to create the "perfect" financial statements, when in fact what we should be working on is identifying what key assumptions will drive our projections at all!

Assumptions are the raw materials that make up our financial statements and tell us whether we're headed toward gross profit or total disaster! Here we'll be taking a beginning inventory of the 3 most important financial assumptions that tend to drive most startup company projections.

Assumption #1: "How Many Customers Will We Acquire?"

Our first step is to construct a series of assumptions that tell us how many paying customers we will get through the door. All of th...

ArticleBooyah: The Easiest Group Video Chat Yet

Booyah: The Easiest Group Video Chat Yet

Today’s Favorite Find: Booyah

Elevator Pitch

Booyah is a new app for iOS from the social communication platform Rounds that lets people video chat quickly and easily via WhatsApp.

Why We Love It

Look, I think we all know at this point that group video chat is pretty busted, right? Like, most of the major platforms make it either difficult or impossible or charge for the right to add another face to your face-to-face convo. I’ll admit that this is probably because the desire for group video chat undoubtedly came about waaaay before it was technologically possible, but guess what, folks? It’s 2016, and it’s definitely possible now.

Take, for example, Booyah. It’s a new app from Rounds, which is a fun video chat/hanging out platform that I wr...

Article7 Things To Figure Out Before Planning a Social Media Campaign

7 Things To Figure Out Before Planning a Social Media Campaign

Social media is a marketing tool pre-Internet marketers could only dream of. A virtually complete directory of every consumer on the planet? Indexed and targetable by age, gender, location, and a hundred other identifiable details? Maybe in science fiction, a marketer of 40 years ago would have said.

Never forget, startup founders and marketers of the 21st century: we are living in the future.

But, as they say, with great power comes great responsibility. Social media is a tool. And, like, any tool, it is only as good as how it’s used – and what it’s used for. Nowhere is that more clear than in the world of social media advertising.

When it comes to social media advertising, execution is everything. And here’s the thing: ninety percent of t...

ArticleHow Offering Financing Will Give You a Competitive Edge

How Offering Financing Will Give You a Competitive Edge

More often than not, financing gets a bad rap. Sure, Apple can mark up a product as high as it wants, and McDonald’s can increase the price of hamburgers, but when the product is money, customers and merchants start to question the ethics behind the markup.

Yet financing these markups has the power to make a positive impact on both the economy and your business. Companies that can overlook the negative stigma and provide financing options will create a viable business model and attract long-term customers from a variety of backgrounds. Here’s why:

Financing Makes Economic Sense

To understand how financing impacts the economy, let’s take a look at the United States’ savings rate over the past five decades. Trading Economics reports that pers...

ArticleReveal: See Your Industry’s Landscape with Competitive Intelligence

Reveal: See Your Industry’s Landscape with Competitive Intelligence

There are weapons, and there are weapons made with plutonium. Well, there is competitive intelligence, and there is the competitive intelligence made by Knowlium.

Knowlium is the maker of the competitive intelligence software called Reveal – a product that “accelerates your digital strategy with real-time competitive insight.”

Here’s a quick rundown of what the Reveal competitive intelligence software covers:

  • Brand Monitoring
  • Content Marketing
  • SEO Analysis
  • Benchmarking
  • Social Media Analysis
  • Influencer Analysis

Which is to state matters very very simply. You must have a look for yourself to appreciate the comprehensiveness and sophistication with which Reveal processes data. If you want simple scores to understand your market position com...

ArticleFrom Bikes to Bamboo: How James Wolf Does it All (Part I)

From Bikes to Bamboo: How James Wolf Does it All (Part I)

James Wolf was late for our interview — two and a half hours late, to be exact. I’d speed walked the fifteen minutes from my apartment to his shop in Ho Chi Minh City’s expat hub, Thao Dien, at 8:30 in the morning, only to be met with a shuttered door and no signs of life inside. Sweating in the shade as loitering taxi drivers threw me curious looks, I called him up.

“I’m so sorry,” he said, picking up after a couple of rings. “I didn’t expect to have to go to the factory this morning but something came up and I’m just arriving, on my bike. Can I call you in a couple of hours when I’m headed back to Thao Dien?”

“Oh no problem!” I said. “It’s my bad! I should have sent a follow-up email.”

Now, anyone who knows me knows that that’s not my us...

ArticleWhy M&A Due Diligence Is So Important: A Cautionary Tale

Why M&A Due Diligence Is So Important: A Cautionary Tale

Mergers and acquisition–commonly referred to as M&A–can be an exciting and even critical part of a company’s growth strategy. When done right, a successful M&A can help two companies gain valuable market share, expand their product portfolios, increase profits and inject more equity into their brands. But when M&As go wrong, it can be quite a different story, involving cultural clashes, litigation, epic losses and even bankruptcy.

Way too many companies rush headlong into these professional marriages without spending the time to first carry out their due diligence. Yet, an M&A is one of the most important decisions you can make for your company’s future and sufficient research needs to be conducted.

What Does M&A Due Diligence Involve?


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