Michael Cave, CFAcoFounder at re:Dream

Michael is an investment banking professional with 10 years experience in a variety of areas within the financial services industry. He has worked foremost as a technical lead and software engineer and in the front office, and most recently as a technical lead in market risk specialising in advanced user interface design. He has also worked as an interest rate derivatives trader, a project manager and marketer in quantitative analysis, performed software driven research of automated trading strategies, designed and implemented software to produce trading signals, provided front line support to numerous high risk front office trading and decision support systems, and worked as a general problem solver of all p&l, pricing and risk queries for various trading desks. He has worked most extensively in equities and interest rate derivatives, and less extensively in structured credit.

His most unique and marketable skill, is the rare combination of the ability to speak the language of any stakeholder from trader to sales team to risk manager to low level developer, with the technical ability to develop robust, efficient and maintainable software with a very strong user focus. With his experience across such a variety of areas within financial services, and his entrepreneurial mind set, nurtured through his creative business activities beginning whilst at university, he brings fresh ideas and a proactive drive for developing new areas of existing systems in creative ways and delivering on schedule in unpredictable environments.

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