Jeremy OvertonYou'll benefit from the simplicity Jeremy creates.

Jeremy Overton has a unique ability to foster the growth your idea, define it and turn it into an action plan.

Jeremy’s ability to think visually, recognize patterns, create analogies and develop step-by-step strategies will help you turn even the most seemingly insurmountable problems or goals into clear and attainable action items.

As a financial advisor, coach, author speaker and internet marketer, Jeremy provides value by bringing about discussions that help people who are “stuck” get going with a simple conversation.

-Uncover the “Hollywood Version” of your business and life and define your market.
-Work backwards from this ideal using a proprietary framework called Virtual Hindsight™
-Document the "Success Equation"
-Get the ball rolling by acting on the one action item that will get you moving in the right direction.

His experience coaching, educating and mentoring teens and college-aged entrepreneurs in creating, planning and starting their own ventures has provided him with invaluable knowledge about the way they think, the way they talk and how to motivate them to action.

As a retail financial advisor, Jeremy has worked with clients from 10 to 92 for almost 15 years. His knowledge of how successful individuals make decisions and what motivates them to action gives him unique insights into the baby-boomer generation in the Midwest, where “virtually no one over the age of 55 is going to make it to the bottom of a sales letter or the end of a VSL.

Jeremy is a voracious reader, “I treat every term I don’t understand, either in conversation or in things I read as a footnote that I need to look up. This mentality has helped me develop a core understanding of areas of business from farming and running a beauty shop to launching products online and developing social media campaigns.”

Personal Mentors:
Seth Godin
Dan Sullivan
Stephan Aartsol of ABC’s Shark Tank

"Hollywood" Mentors:
Dr. Phil

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