Rebekah VossGet paid to travel the world as a digital nomad!

I'm the founder of, the author of 175 Ways to Travel Today, and a full time travel writer and digital nomad.

I LOVE being a nomad, and I HATE having a regular job. If you're ready to ditch your 9 to 5 and set off to see the world, but have the savings account of a broke college freshman, I can help.

Your biggest concern when thinking of travel and digital nomadism is "How can I afford it? How will I make money? WHAT IF I DON'T MAKE MONEY AND GO BROKE AND STARVE FOREVER IN THE HIMALAYAN MOUNTAINS?"

You CAN travel the world right now, even if you have NO money saved. Before I left to travel the world, I spent exactly zero time saving money because I knew I could work from the road.

All you need is a laptop, basic computer skills, and a quick call with me to show you what to do with them.

If this kind of lifestyle appeals to you, give me a ring!

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