Herbert ProkschaFounder of American food companies.

Strategic Advisor to Founders and CEOs. Took a specialty food manufacturer from capital raise to exit sale. Turnaround CEO. Food safety expert. Built five USDA inspected food manufacturing facilities.

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I have taken a manufacturing company from initial capital raise to exit sale. It took 137 pitches to raise low 7 figures.

First you need a MVP and a business plan. With that in place you can solicit investors. You start with your most inner circle (family) and work yourself outward from there. If you do not want to offer equity, then offer notes. In any case if you do not have a product or business plan, you are not serious.

Go to the source - i.e. monitor government sites that list new company incorporations and then call the companies with your pitch. In the US that would be the Secretary of State website for each state.

Since you are brand-new at this, ignore the AI generated answers. Because you have no base line, based on my actual experience from more than 10 years ago, my suggestion is:
1) Study other peoples profiles and what they charge.
2) Trust your instincts and set a rate that you think will work for you.
3) Check your statistics for a week, if no business or click on your profile,raise or lower your rate.
4) Repeat until your rate generates clicks. Then fine-tune your profile and do some outbound prospecting.

The paywall is not the issue. You can create your own website for free and then market your services ranging from Facebook to LinkedIn.

The real issue is that you need to have a record on the Internet. That takes time so the earlier you start the quicker you will get sales.

In addition to getting academic knowledge about accounting, marketing, etc. you need to actually work in an environment that allows you to learn about what it takes to "Make Payroll".

Until you know what it takes to keep the doors open, starting a business and assemble the plane while flying it means that your chance of failure and wasting money is almost 100%.

Being an elder, I can tell you that the greatest challenge you will face is: "To Dream Big".

Hate to tell you but digital tactics just don't do the trick. Real Estate leads where you have at least some form of exclusive listing are generated by personal contacts. That means you need to get involved in the community, join service clubs and go knocking on doors.

Yes - if you are a citizen. The country is an interlocking network of families and in order to get clients, you must be part of the network.

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