
Does school help you build a strong work-ethic as an entrepreneur? How important is it to do well in school as a young entrepreneur?


I think having a strong sense of determination is important and drive is important as well. There are plenty of successful entrepreneurs that left school simply because the education system wasn't right for them. I think this is a complex question, on one hand doing well in school can be helpful you learn a lot, gain skills but those can be acquired outside school. Unfortunately a lot of students learn material just to pass tests in school and get by, actually long term valuable learning is less frequent. So i think the education system is flawed...and while having the structure of school was beneficial for me I can say school was valuable but I learned 100x more outside of school

Answered 11 years ago

Maybe I have observer bias, but there's no correlation to doing well in school and being a great entrepreneur - I would actually say it's the opposite.

Watch Cameron Herolds talk on "Teaching kids to be entepreneurs" - he explains it best.

Answered 10 years ago

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