
What are the most important areas to address in an autoresponder sequence?

So far, I am covering sample work done by the service as well as covering common objections. Are there any other standard things you recommend?


A lot depends on the service you're offering.

But I'd definitely include case studies of previous clients. Don't just offer testimonials but weave a story around your previous clients' experiences.

Again, I could help more if I knew what you were offering.

Another useful strategy is to offer some kind of special/limited deal on your service if they still don't bite after x amount of emails. Just be sure to move people from your autoresponder prospects list to a buyers list when they do eventually try your service.

Answered 10 years ago

The key to a strong nurturing series is not just sending the right content, but sending the right content to the right people. To start out, find a few criteria (can be demographics, personas, behaviors on your website) that define distinct segments of your audience.

For a nurturing sequence, some good bets would be to segment based on:
- your specific product/service in which they've expressed interest
- their role at their organization or in their household
- their strongest motivators
- their biggest challenges

Once you've mapped out a few different segments to address, determine what content would make the most sense for each segment, and customize your nurturing content to their interests/needs. So for example, if you're creating a sequence for folks who have only visited your website once, you'll want to send them some helpful content to provide value & build trust. On the other hand, if you're nurturing folks who have been to your pricing page, it's okay to dive in and show them case studies, find out if they want to talk to a sales rep, etc.

Happy to help you think through your specific strategy in greater detail if you'd like. Good luck!

Answered 10 years ago

A good opt in process. This is crucial. The more information you can capture upfront, the better you can tailor the sequence.

Second is to have a clear objective and enough content to follow up at least once per week over 1-2 months. Again, depending on the goal of the campaign.

Answered 10 years ago

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