Questions is a anonymous 2 way communication platform that allows the teachers and principle to communicate teens. also this good for fundraising and after school practices any other great activities.

Hello - Currently, as part of the consulting team, I guide entrepreneurs through the financial modeling and investor presentation process to help turn their great ideas into successful businesses. Your anti-bullying program caught my attention personally and lead me to your website. Your communication platform is an action-oriented solution. You have proof of concept and are currently in school systems. Every school district in America should want to adopt your program.

With the school district though, the first thing that comes to mind is funding. Can you determine how much this program cost on a per student basis for a particular school district? The marketing strategy could be 'how can you not afford to do this?" I took a moment to searched "bullying and school boards" on the internet. Many school boards came up in the search that are addressing this issue. I would approach those first. You have a website that quickly explains the solution. Now prepare something to explain what it will cost. The decision-makers have the two pieces they need. I hope to soon see your program in every school in country! Feel free to call if I may help in any way. Wishing you the very best. Jacquelyn

Answered 10 years ago

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