
I want to create a social networking site. I like structure. How can I come up with basic action steps from a-z that I can then break down into small bite size pieces?

To start with, create a "No-To-List" of non-action items. It will help you keep your focus intact on the actual and planned goals. It will also help the team's focus to move in unison.

Talking about "To-Do" list of laundry items, start with assessing your internal capability, external requirement, and map the two to find the loosened nuts and bolts.

Once you finish up with above exercise, create a list of action plan items that could help you move from possessing idea to establishing business. However, do ensure to plan your business model in the beginning to prevent from doing recurring redundant task.

Let me know if you've tried creating any such checklist. You can DM me the same or we can hop on a quick call to discuss the fine prints.

Answered 10 years ago

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