
I am asking clients for their dentists' names and then calling them up one by one. Few dentists are willing to meet me, and I find the process tedious. I am curious to find if there's another, more efficient way to reach my target clients. I am looking for something other than website SEO.

Hi, I've spent years working in business to business sales and essentially, you're trying to sell these professionals on the idea of working with you. I also have a large referral network and I've systematized it such that its easy for me to manage rewards back to those who send me business.

First off, what's in it for them? Are these professionals allowed to earn commissions or rewards from you in your location? Find out. If you can offer a referral fee to them for sending you business this can be nice. In my system I give people a choice of how they want to be thanked and its really appreciated.

Secondly, is there any way their professional reputation could be damaged by sending people to you? Do you project the image and deliver the service that they believe complements their own?

Thirdly, how easy are you to work with? Will referring a patient to you require them to pick up the phone? Send an e-mail or manage the contact in any way? The less work the better. In my system, referring professionals just fill in a simple web form and I then contact the client and take care of everything from there.

I hope this helps. Arrange a call with me if you'd like to discuss specific details, I'd be happy to work with you to set up a system that works for you and is also easy to sell to the professionals you're trying to work with.


David Barnett

Answered 9 years ago

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