
Your Main Problem: Lack of credibility in the US market.

Nobody knows you.
They doubt you'll stick around.
They're afraid they'll send you money and you'll disappear.

This is *after* they manage to notice you exist!

So you have a double challenge: first to reach your target market, then to assure them you're legitimate.

No one is going to hand you orders.

Either you need to partner with an existing US firm so you can gain the North American toe-hold you require, or you must qualify exclusively for companies that consistently hire off-continent outsourcers.

ASAP, get your marketing to include stories of helping people in North America.

Be ready to jump on a plane if necessary. Face to face gives a lot of credibility.

Work on what differentiates you from the zillions of other Russian devs out there. Why should someone hire you instead of...say...the next Russian dev?

And finally, learn how to sell. People are not going to come knocking, even if you do have the better mousetrap.

If you're interested in learning more about what you can do to mitigate these issues and go on the offensive, book a call with me.

Answered 9 years ago

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