
We are a travel operator working in a very specific and exotic niche that is part adventure, part altruistic, and part political. I can share more about the exact niche on a phone call. But the struggle to get bookings these days is really frustrating. We need help from someone who really understands the sales funnel for adventure travel operators who do not sell day tours and activities, but sell 3-10 day tours to a very exotic and adventurous location. First of all, I know we have on-page LPO/CRO issues throughout the site. Getting lost in the weeds on that, frankly. Secondly, we struggle with lead generation, because our niche is really competitive. I would like to do a call with an expert in travel operator lead generation (ideally, an expert with experience in uncoventional, nichy adventure travel) and conversion to look at our funnel, from social strategy, to on-page conversion issues, to back-end booking management. In the end, we MUST drive bookings in the next couple months, or we are in trouble. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks much!


I've got years of experience in sales and small business management. While not travel-focused, I may be able to help.

Why are you so focused on a direct-sales approach?

I know travel agents that frequently sell adventure travel products for operators.

Have you properly analyzed all the sales channels available to you? Agents have relationships with frequent adventurers who rely on their input when making travel decisions.

If agents aren't part of your sales efforts, is it because your margins aren't correct?

Are you trying to fix a sales problem with a marketing solution?

Let me know if you'd like to book a call.


Answered 8 years ago

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