
I have a good idea for an APP, but I am not an engineer to build this APP, you know it needs much technology and money. But now, I do not have enough money to hire an engineer to make this APP, but it is really a good idea, I do not want to give up, what should I do? Just imagining, waiting or other things? I am really confused, could someone give me some good advice or help me? Thanks a lot. Best regards to all of you. Yours Henry Lee

In a book, "Slicing Pie", Mike Moyers shows you different methods of securing talent prior to paying them a salary or securing investment capital.

You can also use an ICO model similar to IPO except it is using a digital token to secure funding with a promise to buy back tokens. There are several models there.

You can also try a crowdfunding site like Kickstarter or Gofundme.

If you are truly passionate about it, find a way to make it happen and NEVER give up.

Answered 7 years ago

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