
Results for: Business Development

What you are asking for is almost impossible to answer. First off I would want to know from you, what do ou know about Virtual Reality? Because most of the answers are right there in your knowledge. If you know nothing as your question seems to indicate, then this is probably not a venture you...


Hello, My name is Erik and i'm a Call Center Expert and Senior Analyst Programmer with more than 15 years of experience. I've been working in the outbound sales of one of the biggest telecom company in Canada since 6 years. There's many different options you could use depending of your market...


I would highly recommend connecting with someone who has experience here to shorten your learning curve if this is not what you do. For our agency, we spent a lot of time & money outlining and creating the infrastructure which now is mainly on autopilot for our outbound strategy. For example, w...


Just scale up your PPC campaign to get more users. If your PPC campaign isn't pulling a profit for you, then you are doing it wrong.


So this is a great question and requires a relatively complex answer. And this is NOT legal advice. The first answer is that No, in most cases do not patent the invention yet. Often a provisional patent will do just fine, much cheaper and faster to market. Most inventor patents out of the gat...


Really good question. You can do it via one of three ways: 1) Provisional Patent. if an implementation of their system to his new market would be patentable (i.e. using machine X to make donuts instead of jewelry), then you could file a provisional patent on the idea. Provisional patents are ver...


My background: I've built several products that anonymously allow employees to communicate their concerns which also measure the impact of specific actions or inactions of organizations and leadership. The biggest negative impact of an organization that isn't very transparent is a lack of trust...


The best advisors are those with real world experience-not just academic credentials-someone who has been there, done that. Also important, industry or company type experience (e.g., service company, software, manufacturing...). Look for someone who compliments your strengths and offsets your wea...


Xero's subscription model helps them grow sustainably. They have trained and positioned Xero experts around the globe. The experts serve a region and sign up subscribers underneath them. By targeting professionals who may already have a client base that is in Xero's target market (for example, CP...


Are we doing homework for you? I suspect the "best" business model at the moment is the one where the users create or provide the content, and the company is an organizer and platform. We've all seen this quote recently: "Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. "Facebook, ...


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