
Results for: Business Development

In the realm of custom work, fixed prices are dangerous ground. It puts you in a position to either say "no" or ask for more money when a project has extra needs, and that's never a comfortable situation to be in. You said yourself that speaking to a lead is the best way to make a sale. I'd ech...


Hi This is a classic market place which requires marketing to both sides simultaneously. I would start by selecting the most popular categories/fields that the users (employers/companies) are looking for (based on Google Adwords Keyword Tool or maybe checking Fiverr - if their services are the s...


Hey, I think the number one issue you're going to face is a factor of viability, to them you're a new website, not really well known and even if they give you the listing of the products, will you actually be able to generate interest and sales for them? Once we understand this it would be much ...


It varies and it's very very specific to what you want to develop. The concrete design of your circuit matters. Also prototype building costs are usually a factor 10-100 higher than series. If you already have your prototype then you can shop around various manufacturing companies. To do that, yo...


Do it now! I don't know your life situation but there's no reason why you can't just continue to try and validate the idea by generating a few early leads and seeing what people are willing to pay before launching into your first project?


My focus is business strategy and development, I am also a geek-at-heart! There are a few things to dig into to get rolling. With your strength in tech - tap into virtual resources or even crowdsourcing to get the work done from a marketing and sales lead perspective leaving you to focus on wha...


I have had a lot of experience of being mentored and mentoring. I think you should separate the search for a mentor from the search for an investor. A mentor should be a disinterested guide to life and business. An investor is going to look at you and your business as a way of buying a retirem...


Hi First of all, the fact that you're asking this question is very good (stage one of the solution). Second, without hearing more details, it is very difficult to provide an educated answer. Therefore, I am willing to offer you the following: 1. Send me more details of your business + what you ...


Hello, I would suggest to make a clear difference between your - skill set and - market differentiation. I think, the answer highly depends on your current situation. What's your current level in photography in terms of photography and relevant business skills? Do you already have first client...


We have a few programmers in house but when we have to we outsource to a NJ based Software Development company -, their leader Sree is amazingly talented and well adapted to working with startups as his niche market. I know they have taken clients on equity before but is always ...


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