
Results for: Business Development

Drop Shipping businesses are good to start with. Handling the business from a garage or home per se is always a better way to start business. Before entering into such businesses make sure you are way clear about the commissions from each portal (Amazon, Alibaba, Etsy, etc) are giving away. Readi...


Congratulations on your new opportunity. For any business strategy to work, you must have the following: - A clear, articulable mission or objective - Buy-in from the entire group - Ownership from each member of the group - A system to measure the success of the strategy - A well-defined custom...


You don't need a hotel license. You run your business as a lead generator and leverage the licenses this the owner already pays. The dues are already being paid for the rest of the units so you don't need to compensate the owner additionally for the licenses. You however are a contractor who simp...


Hello, I have run couple of years online business and used indiegogo and kickstarter platforms for presales. I also write on Amazon kindle for e-books on marketing topics. Presently, I am a MBA lecturer who works full time teaching marketing. I would recommend you to do the following: 1) Use Amaz...


I have done this into enterprise but I would say this advice also follows for B2C. It is hard, slow but very interesting. I would suggest a couple of things: (1) there are so many “experts” on social media to follow and get up to speed. Use this to build a casual network, ask questions on the ...


Being a part time artist, I can say the pricing structure depends on the category of artwork and the artist's background. Not to forget if you are dealing with similar structure as subscription boxes it is imperative to know what is your central product concept. Installation and procurement costs...


It sounds like you just have a simple sales issue, and thankfully a high quality product :) The solution is simple, and you seem to have realized it already: you need to reduce the friction in your location for getting customers into your "front door" and providing them with (what I'm assuming)...


Simply put, If under 18, I'd instruct the student to persuade his parents to start a LLC, Trust, or Corporation. Analyzing what would be profitable and locating passion projects within the venture. I'd show the student how easy building business credit is when you have a business and how much le...


Samples are traditionally 100+ people. Can you get 100 customers? How many customers (users too) do you have participating on the idea? Once you've shared it past friends and family, strangers are interested in what you're doing I believe that is all that is needed for a product/service to be ...


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