
Results for: Business Development

To determine market size, you will need to look at potential customer data or revenue/transactions each year. You will need to: 1. Define your target customer and audience 2. Estimate audience size and target customers 3. Determine growth rate if possible taking into account organic and churn 4....


Try they have real chat agents that work on multiple sites at once, so you can have them manage your chat from about $2/hr (per website, not per person) - or if you want something automated try (free) There's also


By experience, I will tell you that is Finance or Economics, Marketing & Communications and Soft Skills that help you be a followed and likable leader. You might know or will find out that in business, any business, its not about you but about them - your end user, end customer. If you want to s...


If you want to start building your own Yelp like directory for a particular city and industry but you are on a tight budget with limited tech skills I would definitely suggest WordPress. But it can be tricky as WordPress has several different options and you can get easily lost and even it coul...


Was this covered in the letter of intent? If this is the first draft, it should be able to be negotiated, but realize that the valuation should change, based on a reduction of assets included in the sale. Be prepared to extend the negotiation period by possibly quite a bit of time, or a rejecti...


Hello, If you're looking for people like me (who have the change to have a Wikipedia page), you should target them with LinkedIn ads. I believe LinkedIn will get you better results than Facebook or Twitter.


I don't think there is a more beautiful feeling than that (on a business perspective). So there are several strategies you can do take to grow your business without venture capital. First you need to understand the problem you have: working capital (cash flow). The fastest you grow the more y...


Back when I started LinkedIn wasn't as huge as it is now. I wish it was. I didn't have a large network and those networking sessions NEVER brought me any clients. I used to go to all sorts of them hoping to get clients. There were a couple of nibbles here and there, but never anything serious. Th...


Congratulations for this wonderful achievement. I am pretty sure it would be a good idea. I am an expert in fundraising and investment, I could help you develop a strategy to target and land the investment you need. Contact me for more :)


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