
Results for: Business Development

Hi First of all, the fact that you are talking about market validation is great. I've seen so many startups invest time and money, only to find that no one wants/needs their product, or that they only want a certain aspect of it (whilst the startup spent money developing a whole bunch of other f...


Hello! Aside from the typical website platforms, I would recommend using Twitter's hashtags and user handles. Try following and using the ones that your potential prospect or otherwise ideal partners would be following and start sharing about your work, your progress, and outreach for a potential...


If you are a U.S. citizen and already have an SSN, you are not eligible to apply for a separate ITIN. When you register a new business for an EIN, the person completing the application is the responsible party for the LLC's EIN application. The responsible party can be either an individual or a...


You have four jobs to do. 1. Attract/identify leads. 2. Qualify those leads. 3. Convert the qualified leads. and 4. Fulfill the orders. Do you have a system for each of these? 4. can lead into 1. with referrals. You want as pre-qualified a lead as you can get. Qualifying is filtering. I...


1. Figure out your current 'market rate' based on your brand, experience ..etc using tools such as, your current salary, references (similar professionals nearby). 2. Ignoring salary, think about what this job can do to your career - get to work with / build relationships with gre...


Is impossible to give you any advice w/o any further information. Can you elaborate for me please? I'd be more than happy to help you out on this. Google me and email me if you wish.


At the agency I started, we tackled this by working toward higher visibility in the industry. For example, when I was growing the agency years ago, I wrote articles for sites like Smashing Magazine, Nettuts, CSS-Tricks, and so on — this granted authority and presence to my agency. Then, my team ...


The business model should (in most cases) adapt to your product. No the other way around. I wrote two examples of how companies should adapt their monetization strategy to what their customers actually want the product to do, and not the other way around. You can read them here: https://medium.c...


I don't need 3. The first and only thing that you should do is a Proof of Concept (POC) / market validation. Only if it shows positive results, should you move on to the next stages (MVP, funding, founder's etc - depending what you already have/don't have). You can read how to do the validation...


Hi Almost the exact same question was asked a few weeks ago on this platform, so maybe the answers there will help you: Good luck I've successfully helped over 350 entrepreneurs, sta...


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