
Results for: Business Development

No. GPA is a performance measure for academic pursuits. Memorization, rote, and perhaps a little critical thinking. It's the real world out here, unsafe and prone to sudden breakdown. Your ability to interact with people, deal positively with the unexpected, and handle ongoing stress are far mor...


One idea that's worked well for my clients has been to create a Skunk Works, which is effectively an autonomous, outside-the-bureaucracy, kinda-sorta-secret R&D team. I've been on these teams before, and if they're truly left alone with a pile of ideas and resources, they can accomplish incredib...


Hello, The first step is to get the idea validated and opportunity assessed. It is important for an entrepreneur to invest time and energy in idea which has potential of getting transformed into sustainable business. I'd be happy to assist you move forward in your journey. Drop a message/schedul...


As a business owner, I face similar issues myself. I'm sure you already know this but for something like this, you really should consult a lawyer and a tax professional. Having said that, the cleanest and safest way to do this would be to dissolve the current S-Corp and create a new one under a...


When I was applying to business school (ended up at NYU Stern), Poets & Quants as the be-all end-all for MBA insider info.


Follow how has done it / it's Q&A plus a resource for links and community. Pure brilliance.


Where will traffic to the site come from? Do you have a target market identified? Beyond "people who need personal coaching services"? (Which is pretty non-specific to me) Do you know if they are willing to pay for your content? Just putting up a blog is not enough, for either case.


Hello! Firstly you need to decide whether you're targeting larger or smaller corporations. Approaches will need to differ because the larger the organisation, the more formal the process and the more gatekeepers to go through. I've noticed you mentioned Russian legislation - I successfully sold ...


It depends on how similar the businesses are. For example if you are moving from selling shoes to selling hats versus you are moving from selling shoes to creating web apps – they are very different situations. Since you said that the marketplace model is the same, then it is probable that you ca...


Sometimes a country that is generally in your market region may be better set up to support startups. I know, for example, that Israel has a tremendous startup infrastructure and accelerators, as does Latin America and Asia. So I would begin by asking about your industry and your target region to...


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