
Results for: Business Development

Did you get denied? Or have you not been approved *yet*? I'm not sure how Twitter is working through the application process, but from what I can tell it is roughly in order based on follower account with a big focus on who they are and how much their name or personal brand are attached to why p...


I would use Magento, you can host it and use any payment gateway to setup the payments and a shipping system to create efficient logistics. Let me know if you need help creating the store.


2 thoughts (as I've invested in and been part if a few real estate development projects). 1 - ask around and try and find friends who know people in the industry and ask for an intro. Don't go in asking for money, ask for advice - it works way better. 2 - search on Clarity for people who live ...


Hi This is a classic market place SaaS (Software as a Service) and the classic answer for getting both sides is quality content, quality marketing, and word of mouth (which you'll get once you provide quality service). The key issue, BEFORE you think about how to get them to your platform is to ...


I wish good luck for your family Can i know what you mean about software regarding what Website for show???


Here's my top 10 list, pulled from others. 1. *Know where you are going and why.* Apple, Martin Luther King Jr., and the Wright Brothers did not start with what they were doing or how they were going to get there. They knew their purpose first and the rest followed. Watch Simon Sinek at TED: How...


Developing an Online Classifieds Business is not an Easy Task ; most especially in this Day and Age. Before you Start , I would strongly advise you to visit ; to Carefully study how they have successfully converted it from a Free Classifieds Website into a (Global) Money Making Machi...


The best thing to do to start any kind of sales or relationship building process with a Fortune 500 company is to recruit willing champions of you and your company. The good thing about Fortune 500 companies is that there are *lots* of people who you can potentially recruit. Many of them are ac...


I'd say the best source of ideas on more effective referral programs are to ask your referral sources. Even surveying them with a very simple survey could not only provide some added insights but also reinforce your gratitude for their continued loyalty. What you might be under-estimating is ...


You ask the customers, and gauge their level of interest. Better yet, get yourself in front of some customers, and instead of telling them what you make or do, ask them what they need. When you notice that many of them need the same thing, and if it is something you can make or provide, you then ...


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