
Results for: Business Strategy

When I was applying to business school (ended up at NYU Stern), Poets & Quants as the be-all end-all for MBA insider info.


What are some of the things users are saying that show you it's hard for them to understand the system? Do you have any consistency in areas where people are having trouble? Are you using any tools to track conversion rates through your funnel, and have those metrics gotten worse since your redes...


First, hat tip to you for being a young entrepreneur. Keep it up! If you have the funds to build out your MVP, hire a developer and possibly a mentor. If your idea is marketable, you don't need to give up equity by bringing in a co-founder. If this is your entrepreneurial venture, I would reco...


Follow how has done it / it's Q&A plus a resource for links and community. Pure brilliance.


Where will traffic to the site come from? Do you have a target market identified? Beyond "people who need personal coaching services"? (Which is pretty non-specific to me) Do you know if they are willing to pay for your content? Just putting up a blog is not enough, for either case.


If you are offering advisory services only, you should propose a retainer structure, or a possible 50% retainer, 50% on milestones or completion. You could also do a monthly retainer based on the length of the project. If you are actually doing some type of implementation work, I would expect you...


It sounds like you are going after high value targets who have layers and layers of insulation between your company and decision makers. If it were me, I would find someone either on here or on Linkedin who have existing relationships in your core industries and work out compensation deals with t...


Alessandro Daliana's comments are bang-on. It seems you were also asking about how to get your elder's to accept your ideas about change. It's difficult, especially when your boss always wants to see you as their child. How do you earn their respect and get them to listen to you the way they w...


Hello! What you are asking after, is an age old business challenge; One that can be addressed, utilizing the modern tools of social media, to help stake your product and service position. The competition are doing what they are supposed to do; They are selling the ‘sizzle’ not the steak; by ...


This is an extremely vague question, but let's see if I can help you out. When deciding what product or service you're going to provide, it's very important to be sure there is product market fit and you have a unique selling point. When deciding what your products should be, you should first dec...


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