
Results for: Business Strategy

I'm going to give you a personal experience. I wanted some business experts to join a panel of judges and this was my "execution plan": Research universities and non-profits where this executives or business people give their time. Why? Most successful people that can teach (both are dif...


I would do another test run to confirm that it wasn't a one-time lucky streak that you hit. These numbers are definitely relevant to investors as they want to know the conversion rates. You should calculate your Customer Acquisition costs as this number will be important to investors. However, lo...


Not enough information. Tactics depend on various factors: (1) the venue, since auction formats differ greatly across domain market places; (2) which of various auction types at a given website you're looking at; (3) listing settings decided by the seller such as "buy now" options or a minimu...


The previous answers are really excellent. Let me resume them quickly and add a fourth point which is critically important to help you putting all this together : 1 - keep in mind the psychological aspect to make sure you reach your goals : a book has a much lower value in people's mind than a...


Extremely difficult question to answer. It will mostly be justified by traction in a certain amount of time. If you receive a huge number of users in a year, this will add multiples to your valuation. On the flip side, if you are ten years in with steady growth, the multiples will not be as high...


One word: Royalties This means you generate the idea and develop it enough to look interesting to a larger company who would be willing to pay you a royalty for your idea. This happens all the time. Rock stars, authors and scientists routinely license their creative ideas to other companies who ...


Typically people are going to want to see an example of your work. A success story. It sounds like you are still entertaining the idea though and most likely don't have a real-world example to showcase. If this is the case, I would suggest trying to start with a close friend or family member...


My experience is mostly related to Open Source ERP systems (and eCommerce systems). The two options you have are: 1. Go with an ERP system that has inbuilt eCommerce. There are several ERP systems which have this feature. Netsuite is a popular commercial cloud based system that has a built-i...


BuiltWith is awesome, but not for this. It only shows you what sites are built with the tech, and often Magento / Drupal developers have websites for themselves that are on simpler platforms (for example, a Magento developer isn't selling products so they don't need an ecommerce platform like Ma...


Hi Options: 1. Rent or lease them (amount of companies that offer this option depends on your location). 2. Purchase them second hand (there's some amazing quality second hand furniture - some of which you'll be able to sell when done. 3. Partner with companies who want to promote their product...


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