
Results for: Business Strategy

Hello, I feel like another method of monetization would be to charge a fee per job that is accepted by the freelancers using your site. That way, the website remains accessible to everyone and offers incentives for both the suppliers as well as the 'consumers'. Many aspiring entrepreneurs are l...


Divide your task in multiple steps. Then tackle each one individually. First, think on how the industry (in your case professional studio rental, but also production agency) is developing in the next years. Think of the context, competitors, new technologies (in video production - AI generated ...


Hi This is a classic market place which requires marketing to both sides simultaneously. I would start by selecting the most popular categories/fields that the users (employers/companies) are looking for (based on Google Adwords Keyword Tool or maybe checking Fiverr - if their services are the s...


Without knowing a lot about your company, the fact that innovation is one of your core strengths, leads me to believe that you have a transformational mindset. There are "Transactional" CEOs and "Transformational" CEOs, and few companies in existence these days will go far (or even exist much lo...


Baby goods and services are growing quite rapidly with owlets raising $24 million for their series B and with Momni the caresharing platform taking off both in Utah.


Sale and promote luxury services can be done effectively but you must understand the marketplace properly. Advertising for luxury brands tends to focus on, well, luxury. Whether you are storyboarding a TV spot or building out an ad group in Google Ads, your target audience needs to feel as though...


Do a great video of yourself making art out of horseshoes. Make sure your sound is professional and tell us an engaging story. Cover your interview with lots of B-roll images of you doing your craft. Put extreme close-ups of your tools and materials while we hear you tell your story. Duration 3 t...


I have a business that operates in this space and it can be tricky because of the dynamics. That said, not knowing anything about the sector, size or scope of your business and the question it makes this hard to answer. It's generally accepted that the greatest example of a 2 sided market is th...


I would not monetize this idea at first. I feel your platform needs to be able to provide this service prior to trying to charge companies to list their services. I feel this way for two reason, I as a customer would not trust the platform as I would believe that it only exists to pressure me t...


Hi, Each of these two has pros and cons. 1) Why would suppliers take the time to do this unless you can guarantee them sales? If you go this route, your solution requires more complexity (UI for suppliers etc.) but means you will be more scalable. 20 This is a big burden on you but you are no...


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