
Results for: Business Strategy

I think we are only in trouble is we do not ride the tech bubble for what it is worth and presents. The tech bubble success comes and goes. It blows up and then grows again. I believe there is no other cause than true internet marketing and social media. If people engage others in their social ...


People talk to people they like but people do business with people they trust. You don't actually sell them on anything you provide insight and help them on what's best for them even though it may not create an immediate sale you are building a relationship which will develop over time.


You have a big vision indeed. I've completed the first of many AirBnBs for this year, but single family homes. But, I've learned about how the system works. I also have a real estate development background as well as project finance expertise. Your idea of acquiring, converting, selling and m...


Hi This is a classic market place SaaS (Software as a Service) and the classic answer for getting both sides is quality content, quality marketing, and word of mouth (which you'll get once you provide quality service). The key issue, BEFORE you think about how to get them to your platform is to ...


How important is scaling? For example, if you're charging $400/hour for consulting and filling 20 hours a week, would you need to scale? Products are great, but there's a lot of unbillable hassle involved in the path toward getting there. Your product needs to have a big enough audience to giv...


Hi First of all, the fact that you're asking this question is very good (stage one of the solution). Second, without hearing more details, it is very difficult to provide an educated answer. Therefore, I am willing to offer you the following: 1. Send me more details of your business + what you ...


Hi There, itā€™s hard to look for funding of a startup . My own suggestion is , you have to start looking for a backer that is sold out of your business idea for more info just give me a call on how to contact backers.


So here are two strategies: Follow the money You need to go where the money is spent on developing/design. I would approach startups at WeWork and also get in contact with the MBA programs of the universities in NY. Instead of giving a better price (finders fee) to actual projects build the rela...


Good question. However, I think the better question should be; what system and thought process do I need to have for my Company Because. Marketing is just one small factor of your enterprise. Each and every single part of your business needs to be working on all cylinders. Below is a System ...


Separate patents required to be filed for each country where the protection is required. It is something with which the business esteem is connected. Insuring the intellectual property is also a common norm since it is an asset. One of the quintessential business components is to have IP protecti...


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