
Results for: Entrepreneurship

The main reason is everyone else sold or overreacted to the market and pivoted. Yammer sold for $1B+ to Microsoft but could've easily been a 30B+ market cap company. Slide had some issues and continue to react to the market trying different things - had they focused on a real problem, they migh...


My focus is business strategy and development, I am also a geek-at-heart! There are a few things to dig into to get rolling. With your strength in tech - tap into virtual resources or even crowdsourcing to get the work done from a marketing and sales lead perspective leaving you to focus on wha...


Can you demonstrate value for them? All the words you're using here are very negative; you need to find a positive spin because I'm not going to pay for something which sounds so negative.


Is it strictly a case of one or the other? Why couldn't you find part or full-time employment in an area that will develop your skill and dedicate the rest of your time to applying what you learn to building your startup slowly? Going full-tilt may be exciting but without savings, it can be diffi...


You absolutely do not need to work at an agency before starting one of your own! I have never worked in the industry at all before and just started offering digital marketing to companies a few months ago and already have 9 clients - literally starting from nothing. You don't even need to know ...


I've been where you're at *multiple* times. The advice I gave myself was to throw my arms up and just get a job and focus on being better at developing software, the act of coding, since thats what me/you are "passionate" about. If you want a business though, you have to first ask yourself, "Wh...


Dilip was very kind in his response. My answer might be a bit on the "tough love" side. But that's for you to decide. My intention, just for the record, is to help you (and those like you) on your path to success. And that starts with having a viable philosophy about entrepreneurial-ism and busin...


Yes, every once in a while the planets align. Some questions to consider: Is there a significant other contributing cash flow to the home budget? Is there a nest egg? 401K or other instrument that can be cashed in if [and only if] all else fails? Define startup? Is it bricks & mortar? High ov...


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