
Results for: Marketing

I’ll take it as a given you are operating a “brick & mortar” construction (equipment rental) business and with this, allow me to propose a few “flexible” marketing moves, you may consider (online or offline): 1. PUBLICITY/PUBLIC RELATIONS - Online or social media write-ups; Offline publication w...


Great question. Hi! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm an MBA growth strategist coach with years and exceptional experience. Your dilemma is not necessarily pricing, Airbnb might be a good place to belong but also consider that your ideal companies won't necessarily be looking for a nightly deal. E...


Great question - local marketing is absolutely essential nowadays. Especially as few people are navigating social media looking for tooth whitening services, these will become more profitable than online over time. Here's a quick list of tools I suggest using to bolster your current social medi...


Hey Lucas, I've been selling technology solutions for 6+ years now and one of the companies I worked with, Visually, sold animations/short form videos to content creators and companies. After taking a look at your website, I already see one marketing method that does not cost too much money for...


Honestly, through trial and error. Be lean and nimble. If something is not working, change. If it does work, keep sticking your bucket down the hole until the well runs dry.


A few ideas: - Copywriting for their blog - Email marketing - PPC Ad creative - Basic accounting / invoicing - PowerPoint / Keynote creation - Social media scheduling - Email / social media customer service - Outreach - Guest blogging / writing - LinkedIn networking Using your chef example, thi...


Think of yourself as a content marketer first, which is effectively what you're doing, then check out convertKit, which is specifically for bloggers but works great for your situation too.


The fastest and cheapest way for you to do this while you're "testing the waters" is to do it manually. As long as you know that the idea can be somewhat easily scaled by software in the future (it can), it's fine and encouraged to do initial tests of the product's viability with a manual impleme...


Well, when you have viral marketing, then it helps to spread the word about your business like wildfire on it's own. It's a self-perpetuating loop. So rather than you paying for advertisements, people will share your content or tool or something else because it's so cool or does something valua...


It depends. Do you have a documented view of your prospective customer journey?. If not, this is a thing you should do You must have heard this before. Any product or service could be a vitamin (good to have), pain killer(temporary relief) or a pain reliever (long term relief). What kind of p...


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