
Results for: Marketing

With two decades of business experience, until a couple years ago I thought it was "just as easy to sell a high ticket item as a low ticket item." However, I've had the realization that it is actually "easier to sell a high ticket item rather than a low ticket item." This has lead me to a bette...


it should be noted there is a difference between “ambassadors” and “athletes” butThe most common method I’ve seen is through the use of a discount code. Whenever the ambassadors code is used upon checkout they typically would receive the discount amount. Ex: customer purchases $100 worth of pro...


I think sponsorships are your best bet. The only problem is that with 80 ppl per month, you still have a pretty limited audience that might draw sponsorships. I would not recommend charging for regular events as that will likely depress attendance. Offering separate speaking/seminar opportunitie...


If you need instant revenue, a PPC campaign might be the best approach. I would always suggest hiring a person or agency to manage that unless you have someone on staff that focuses on that alone. Doing PPC yourself is easy, but it's rarely the most profitable way to go due to the nuances that ar...


If you're looking for agencies who have it down I'd recommend Ogilvy Social W+K Social and RGA. But it really depends on how you want to position your agency, you'll see they all take pretty different approaches. https://twitter...


Happy New Year (2020) ! Do Feel (Perfectly) Free to Contact Me ; for a (Legally-Compliant) Facility Optimization (and Ethical Corporate Promotion) Strategy. Sincerely , Professor Obi


This is a very wide area to discuss and there is no magic bullet. You need to tailor it to the specific market/client.


Sorry, but this question is a bit backwards. You need to have an audience/need for your product or service BEFORE you create it. Having said that, I'd go back to the basics: a) create a niche b) determine an ideal client profile c) design a business plan


Hey, I am CEO @ Incredo ( and we do app marketing for start-ups Assuming you have already on Google Play or Appstore you may consider submitting your app to other marketplaces as well. There are various other app stores on the online market where you can upload your app. Acco...


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