
Results for: Marketing

You should have a proof metric - market traction, market proof, proof that they are not wasting their time on your site with half-baked ideas. You should also have some way to show that there has investigation and transparency into the crowdfunders. Try a group with vetting services like http://c...


First, you will need to figure out a brand strategy for your company/product. From there, you will have a better picture on the following: 1) Who you are 2) What you do 3) How you are different 4) What you stand for 5) Why people should put their faith and trust in you After that, a marketing s...


Hey Slava! I actually have a ton of experience with this. For the last year myself and my partners have built out Rocketlaunch ( to a growth agency focused on marketing and sales for Startups. We work on core items internally and outsource when possible. My caveat on outsou...


Have you thought about suggesting existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms? While they all have learning curves to tackle, they will still surely be time savers compared to starting from scratch. I'm a big fan of Infusionsoft and a Certified Partner but if a robust solution lik...


Are you targeting new businesses? Try acquiring a list of all new business license applicants. Do you have a budget for radio? Try news talk radio stations in your markets. Also try targeted news feed ads with Facebook and LinkedIn if that isn't already part of our PPC plan.


Yes if you have a site that has traffic these can be great streams of revenue. If you google my name and check or Adsense check you will see me holding a check and what can be possible :)


I will suggest a mixture of following: 1. (Mobile app) 2. (Completely Free and THE BEST ONE) 3. (Not much options but helps me post on Google Plus pages that other two does not do very well) I gained almost 1000 followers in 2 days using these three. If yo...


Dirt simple approach, I've used with several of my Travel Agent clients. 1) Determine your most lucrative destination (highest commissions for you). Say... Germany... 2) Determine starting point of most people visiting your destination. Say... Auckland New Zealand... 3) Run a Facebook Ad cam...


The general rule is as follows: 1) Create a profile that identifies who your target customer is. 2) Estimate how many of those customers are in the region you are planning on targeting. 3) Estimate your demand rate. Is your product or service mission critical and every single target custome...


Yes, absolutely! You need to activate the GDPR consent forms and then add a form to your site. I'd explain it to you but this guide does a really good job: If you need any help do let me know!


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