
Results for: Marketing

Is it based on the tech on their website, or is it private tech? I have experience identifying IBM ODM users, which is not public, and identifying sites. IF IT'S A WEBSITE: What technologies specifically indicate a good fit company? Azure? .NET? etc. Let me know in a private message. Onc...


I am not 100%sure what you mean by by no platform, but I will answer as best I can. If you have a website (again I am not sure if this is what you mean by no platform), you could have an email signup list. What I see a lot of professionals do is give away something as an incentive like an ebook...


The amount of people who pay others over the phone for advice around the world. - Lawyers - Consultants - Coaches - Advisors - etc. So it's VERY big.


I think the answer to your question is multi-layered. Here are a few things to consider. #1: Do you want a company to conduct the research for you? Market research and demographic-studies are expensive. There's no way around that. However, you can do the research yourself and you'll save a lot ...


Technology allows you to digitize the direct mail marketing process When done right with the right technology integrations, direct mail marketing can create an unforgettable experience for your ideal customer in your business. Some businesses are already benefiting from this. A good example that ...


Depends on your personality a good bit. 1) Work. You can just work hard. Speak at Meetup Groups, WordCamp (or similar), Trade Shows, Niche Conferences. Speak to many people who are interested in your topic + plug your YouTube channel during your talks. Or better plug your Website with an optin ...


This is very tricky, as many countries participate in the Eurozone food requirements or other equally oddball rule sets. Your first step will be to pick a jurisdiction, like Europe + then ensure your ingredients list matches their rule set. If for example, you have Kava Kava on your label, you ...


I agree with the answer above on test first. Also, David's advice to have a business strategy is key. I'd start from user needs. Do people need (ok, want) this service in the area you might provide it? As a woman and a cosmetics designer, I can attest that most women want this service, but you ...


Authorize is my choice. Don't use them directly-- set up your own UI. Though, from a "millionaire" point of view you shouldn't be accepting CC for medium/large marketing jobs to begin with. Any firm with authority should be able to have a "check, money order, or transfer" policy. There are too m...


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