
Results for: Marketing

First - make sure you forget the jargon, like the word 'entrepreneur'; the word 'marketing' has been widely adopted and now everyone and their mothers are 'marketers' when in reality maybe they are 'sales persons' or 'advertisers' or 'network marketers' (sales people technically but relying heav...


I am not sure if your courses are video-based, but I have had success with Udemy and Teachable. I teach WordPress and have 7 courses on Udemy right now. They pay instructors based on a percentage and also if the students are part of Udemy already or if you drive traffic to the course from your ow...


The answer to your first question is pretty simple. Basically you are talking about doing an exclusive deal on a (hopefully pattented) item, or just slapping another companies logo on an item which would be a custom label or private label. White label usually refers to SaaS. Cases are all aro...


I don't think being Pinterest-only is too specific. It is an overlooked, yet valuable, social media platform that most don't know how to effectively use for their business. When you're setting out to be an expert, you need to be prepared to answer what makes you different than the competition. I...


Specific is Terrific! But how do you choose? Work to your strengths! What problem do you solve and how do you solve it? Now look to your market: who has that problem, and who wants/needs it solved in your particular way? Start there to build your niche market, then work outwards to demographi...


Typically these types of partnerships have detailed contracts that lay our which party is responsible for paying out any kind of competition winnings. There could be all kinds of goods/services trading places between the companies so it isn't as clear as "Company B always pays". You would need to...


You mention, that you can code and maintain yourself, and at the same time it sounds like your data can be dispersed across multiple sources. And you want to minimise license cost. In my business we use R a lot for both analysis and reporting. It is free (open source), but you will have to build...


The key to understanding if you are going in the right direction from a product standpoint is to get it in front of users - so if you haven't let some of your potential end users spend time with the product, or at least put the concept in front of them to solicit feedback - that would be priority...


Tying your compensation to your performance can not only increase your revenue stream, but also your chances of closing new deals. Instead of replacing your pricing model, you can keep your current monthly rate, but add one or more of the pricing models discussed below. This should not endanger ...


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