
Results for: Marketing

Start with which allows you to start with very good list, as they mail massively every day. And a postcard sequence can quickly churn out (butter churn causing cream to rise) the "cream" of every list which will produce your highest profits. These guys manage intersect...


Yeah, this is a really interesting question.I would be thinking about: 1. An open letter from the CEO of your hotel chain that's hosted on your website. Something that shows empathy with customers who are considering booking your hotel but are majorly put off by the terrorist events. A letter th...


Niche down! Find a way to appeal to a certain demographic. You can't compete with Messenger or Whatsapp when it comes to their reach. But you can compete on features or how you position your product. Add features to your product that the bigger products don't have. it could be something lik...


I hate to be "that guy," but I'm gonna say, "it depends." What I mean by this is it is highly subjective to the market you are in and the target you're going after. However, with that being said, let me share a few of my favorite growth-hacky-type ideas that you might want to consider using to g...


Personally, I think you should be focusing heavily on your current users that are loyal to your brand currently and worry less on trying to buy users and get more brand awareness. To be frank you should be letting your strongest customers do all the promotion for you organically. "K-factor" This ...


Yes, duplicate content is a big issue. Search engines consider it a form of spam and will penalize your sites in terms of ranking, which diminishes your traffic and can be difficult to recover from. Content is naturally duplicated when shared by people who refer to and comment upon one another....


You absolutely do not need to work at an agency before starting one of your own! I have never worked in the industry at all before and just started offering digital marketing to companies a few months ago and already have 9 clients - literally starting from nothing. You don't even need to know ...


Please clarify ;) the situation : - do you have a contract with developers ? - do you own the app ? or does it belong to the developers until you pay them ? - why are the developers asking payment ? - do you have a running app ? which needs does it covers ? - did you set a company ? - who are you...


I wouldn't focus too much on likes on FB any longer. In the past FB pushed promoting likes as a way to get "free" reach. Now that they have butchered the "free" reach you really need to pay to play.


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