
Results for: Marketing

Hi there, I'd recommend having a strong social media presence. You could use to check availability of social media channels and they will show you the top ones you need to be on. Today you should at least have an Instagram in addition to a Facebook Page and a dedicated Twitter account....


aaah. I know your struggles. I have a dating app :) At first we would get flagged and it was profoundly frustrating. What we did after was strictly a content marketing strategy with banner ads to download the application in each post and started seeing subscribers and downloads. Have you tried m...


Assuming your first two conditions are fulfilled, then yes, why not. The problem is in the execution. Most affiliates allowed "in" under typical circumstances are useless and will do nothing. More than 90% of them. So your qualification process will have to be heavy. You also have to make it ea...


Upwork is a terrible idea. Everyone there is broke. They're struggling to find clients themselves, and have no money left over after they possibly keep their heads above water to invest in your services. Find a better class of freelancer for your clientele. I don't think the startup/VC people a...


Sounds like you know most of the important pieces but lack the confidence to jump back into the fray. For more than a few years I have been in love with the Lean Startup approach and the MVP. There will always be pros and cons to any approach, but this methodology still packs a lot of horsepower....


What about a "Financial Minimalism" blog? Even places like the "simple" dollar is pretty busy and cluttered. You could boil each concept down to it's core fundamentals and then provide the absolute easiest solutions you can come up with. For instance, instance of have 8 blogs about each facet o...


Don't confuse the automation of lead nurturing with the fact of nurturing leads. You absolutely need to ease prospects along, encourage discovery and maintain contact - full stop. But there are a lot of different ways to do it. Hubspot, Marketo et al are good tools - but they might not be what yo...


An open beta or an initial limited access for 100 users, or something like that? If it's a good game, it'll grow organically from there. Encourage people to share their experiences via Facebook and Twitter.


This is not a sarcastic comment: you hire a marketer or marketing firm that knows what they are doing. Marketing is a science and art that requires skill-- it's like a doctor/surgeon for your company. You wouldn't do open heart surgery on yourself-- why would you try to do surgery on your compa...


Interesting question - But one that (for me) requires additional information for me to give input: -What kind of "partnership" are you interested in? (i.e. Strategic Partnership where you work together for mutual benefit) -What is the intended / desired outcome for you? Why are you seeking comp...


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