
Results for: Marketing

What I've done is write a book... Eventually there were 4 books and other special reports. I sell them on Amazon but often give them away to prospective clients. There is no greater pleasure than to submit a proposal to a prospect which includes the words...' I am an expert in this area and th...


Definitely traction (marketing, sales, customer acquisition, retention) and not infrastructure. You don't have a scalable business, you're "seeking" one. So seek it first, then worry about scaling. Put it this way: If there's two otherwise-identical businesses, and P has "good infrastructure" ...


Depends. How much do you really need to build out your app? If you don't need investor money, better to avoid it. And how will you disrupt the space? I don't think there are any shortcuts to organizing.


I don't think it is what you are looking for, but was created by mistake from a services agency. They were sending emails for their clients and the next thing you know, they were making most of their money from send costs and the rest is history. Sorry I can't be more help.


Hi! The quick answer is that simple invention ideas are great as they are the fastest and least expensive to develop, yet can still be highly profitable. I run a consumer product firm which has developed hundreds of inventions for home-based inventors or small product firms - Essentially we tak...


Have you had any meetings with buyers for retail distribution? Projection is difficult because the success of the product honestly depends on your external ability to market and more importantly, how accessible the retailer allows your product to be at the store level.


In the late 1990s I was the Express Logistics Supervisor for DHL International's HUB in Bahrain. You need clear inventory database with scanning tech, and I imagine secure lock up, you'd need very accurate procedures to avoid liability, alarm/security/ tracking systems. Would you be partnering wi...


Having looked at your website, I'd suggest that an overhaul of your site is likely required prior to spending too much on new initiatives. I find the overall messaging of the site confusing and somewhat inconsistent with the description you've provided in your question detail. I'd be happy to s...


I did a quick web search for you and came up with Jeremiah Owyang's blog. I have met him and he's a genius. Should answer all your questions. Re: tracking and measurement I'd say "PR mentions" is a...


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