
Results for: Marketing

I struggled when i first made my account but found out if i used a hashtag that i created or tagged a brand/logo or the area in the photo that would draw more people into wanting to follow my account try not to put to much hashtags though because then it looks like your trying to hard, pre-mote ...


2 quick and simple ideas come to mind. 1. Open up iTunes, open the podcast section, open up your relevant categories and subcategories. e.g. business/business and marketing. Contact the podcasts that are in the "New and Noteworthy" sections or in the lower half of the top 200 podcasts sections....


Market to your niche, talking about the same problems your beta clients signed on to get fixed. These are called "pain points" and are valuable language. Anyone in the situation will instantly pay attention to you. Note that I am saying you should talk about the problem(s), not the features of ...


Unless an e-commerce company is transparent in sharing their sales details (this is probably very rare or unusual), you won't know the metrics needed in order to calculate it. I would think that the 2nd best thing is to hire a scraper or data entry person to collect the average item prices to tr...


First, perhaps you're overreaching. Do you have proof of concept or not? If you don't then you need to work your way up the ladder. Try dropping your target 2 levels down at first, and as you build up a roster of "wins" start to set your sights on higher and higher levels of business. If 2 lev...


Niche down to help a certain kind of client. Find out what serious problems you solve for them with your solutions. Don't talk about SEO or web design: you'll turn yourself into a commodity if you do. See this:


If you're asking about how to *start* spreading the word, my fear for you is that you haven't done sufficient customer development to validate the need for your app and inform your core product thesis. Failure to do so will almost always end-up in product failure. If this is the case, you might...


I recently went trough this with and previously with Find a channel that already carries one side and, find out if you can 'borrow' their content or access to people. For example you can scrape yellow pages listings for car dealerships ( filling u...


You've answered your own question. Reach out to your prospects with the question, such as "How would you...". Ask what people want then give it to them if you can with integrity and thoughtfulness.


Great question! My response is based on experience... There's companies you must assume their limited contact info is for a reason. There's companies like startups, local or midsize firms that are more welcomed even if they lacked the knowledge of value in more contact info in their sites.. What ...


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