
Results for: Marketing Strategy

Hello, I myself do not have much hands on experience with growth hacking , but I can offer some thoughts on the subject. I'm not quite sure what you're looking for in terms of your question though? Are you looking for ideas or methods for growth using the growth hacker mentality for local brick a...


It's not a pipe dream. Startups convince investors to give them money for all sorts of reasons and with all sorts of potential ROI. Advertisers at this early stage could be regarded as investors of a kind. If they believe in your project and your game plan, then they might want (A) to support...


Hello! Thought I was just give you some quick insight on Social media marketing just in general. So the good thing about social media marketing is that. All the hacks and tips generally are universal no matter the location. Here’s some things you want to do to stand out : 1.) Creat ATTENT...


There is a tremendous amount of buzz surrounding content marketing and its need within a brand’s overall marketing strategy. Doing content marketing is much more than publishing on your blog occasionally and posting your thoughts on social media. “Do stuff and maybe it will work” is not a strate...


Hi, I work for a FinTech saas company and we A/B all over our website. Not sure if you have done this already, but do you have a clearly defined ideal customer (buyer persona)? I mean a vivid picture of what your ideal client is like? where they are located (if that's relevant), their buying pat...


I see many great ideas here and strongly agree Facebook is a great avenue. Outside of all the "Online" answers I'd also suggest forming partnerships with other businesses in your local market that work with a similar audience. Do an open-house together, referral agreement or other simple partne...


I own a digital marketing agency and have helped many businesses create and execute social media plans. I would not hire someone right off the bat for your type of business. It's much more efficient nowadays to hire an agency or freelancer to set it up for you with software. The software will ...


Do pro-bono work with brands and influencers locally. You have to figure out your angle (and maybe you have) But I personally would begin to network with small businesses in the area who have worked with influencers. I would go in an say that I want to enhance the work that's being done with i...


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