
Results for: Marketing Strategy

If there are any general similarities or common ground between the two target markets you can accomplish this goal with a single blog using target market-specific keywords and category names. I have a client who is in the home improvement industry, installing replacement roofs, siding, windows, d...


You can split in 2 strategies long term and short term. Short term you need ads. Ads via Google work because you get immediate response, trouble is if your not well acquainted with SEM you may overspend do to the lack of bad landing pages, unuseful keywords and just low conversion rates. But i...


I hate to say this.. But both! When getting the ball rolling on a start-up, you want to attack all possible marketing outlets. Now, if budget is the bottleneck then I would consider running some analysis on your target audience and see if your users for your service will most likely be using Goog...


I never even thought about that question. I wonder what other people have to say about it. What app do you use on your phone to calculate discounts in stores? I understand that to find out the original cost you need to multiply the price at a discount by the percentage plus 1?


I’ll take it as a given you are operating a “brick & mortar” construction (equipment rental) business and with this, allow me to propose a few “flexible” marketing moves, you may consider (online or offline): 1. PUBLICITY/PUBLIC RELATIONS - Online or social media write-ups; Offline publication w...


I would use social. Since you know your potential users are spending a lot of time on their mobile devices and you need to get them to pay attention to their computer, I would market to them through social. Target the social channels that your target market would be frequenting. Don't be afraid t...


Start with creating your USP (aka Message). This message will be the statement that sums up the reasons for doing business with you from THEIR perspective based on what THEY want (versus why YOU think they should do business with you). It may feature a unique ability your company can provide -...


B2B is much easier and more profitable. The pitch to help a business grow at an affordable price is much easier than having to spend on gaining customers trust/loyalty.


(1)What kind of questions are my prospects asking right before making a buying decisions? (2) what problems and frustrations are my prospects currently dealing with that " my thing " can solve? (3)has anyone ever experienced something awful because they did not have " your thing? (4) has anyone e...


The typical consultant answer is 'test it' but there are some good places to start. People generally start checking email when they show up to work (yes that includes personal). Sending around 8:30AM will give you a good shot of being at the top of their inbox then. Another good time is before ...


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