
Results for: Marketing Strategy

I can appreciate the goal, but you should be aware that anything like this is just going to be a starting point. Every company has different marketing needs. Industry alone isn't the only variable. Geographic location, price points, market position, existing customer base, and many more variables...


Do you mean the marketing of such a service? Or the fulfillment process itself? (Yes, to both.) You'll probably benefit from looking up some Michael Gerber / EMyth content. Essentially, you can systemize your process, while retaining the "secret sauce" that makes what you do special. You just...


I've worked on marketing in the home healthcare space and found it rather fragmented. The growth in the industry is so fast and there are so many mom and pop services that it was hard to find anyone specialized in it. What we ended up doing was a full competitive analysis in our geographic region...


It all begins with understanding who your best potential customers are. Spend some very focused time in determining not only who they are (moms; small business owners; homeowners; etc.) but want needs and desires they have. How will these align with your products or services? Also—talk to these...


I can think of a few ways to solve this problem but there's only one I really like. And that is because the truth of the solution is not out there in the marketplace, but here inside the mind of the contractor. What does this freelancer believe is "a lot of money"? That's your first and key que...


Primary Marketing Rule - Everything revolves around benefits, not features. People pay for benefits. If you write a course about programming using some tech like React or Django or Node... likely your income will be much lower than starting with a benefit. So... A benefit might be.. "How to to...


There are a number of best practices -- and, generally, they are universal regardless of your product or service. The one that I would stress above all others is: Understand Your Customer. That is, resist the temptation to "jump in and build something", take some time to interview prospective c...


You should have a proof metric - market traction, market proof, proof that they are not wasting their time on your site with half-baked ideas. You should also have some way to show that there has investigation and transparency into the crowdfunders. Try a group with vetting services like http://c...


Are you targeting new businesses? Try acquiring a list of all new business license applicants. Do you have a budget for radio? Try news talk radio stations in your markets. Also try targeted news feed ads with Facebook and LinkedIn if that isn't already part of our PPC plan.


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