
Results for: Marketing Strategy

Success is entirely subjective and dependent on too specifics unique to your situation. For example, are you currently pursuing your app as a hobbyist, hopeful it will augment your spending money but not expecting it to replace your annual salary? Or are you expecting to raise outside investor ...


I have a different approach that will give you a more sustainable growth trajectory. You should go with an inbound marketing strategy instead. 1) Get creative with your content marketing to educate your target market on the problems. By creating the awareness, your target market will then look ...


That is always a tuff call, to take the profit at the start of the project or to make a great profit at the end. Not only is this tuff for you, your customer has the same analysis. I would offer plans that do both, that would give you a mix of the upfront revenue that you need and back end profi...


It's difficult to provide you any real advice without knowing anything about your service/product, or what a 'signup' means (is it a free version of your product, a signup to your mailing list or something else) but generally speaking it can be any of the following reasons: 1) People sign up to ...


I have found that the best way to create demand for a product that does not yet exist, is to capture the interest of people who experience a common pain that *does* exist. Focus less on selling the non-existent product, and focus more on clearly articulating the problem your product will solve. ...


Pricing anything is a little bit of science and art. It really depends on what you are selling. You'll be looking at cost plus or value pricing. If you're selling goods in a highly competitive market, you're stuck with pricing to beat competitors and product differentiation. If you're selling a s...


Discounts or free service incentives are just part of the equation. You first need to capture your prospects attention with a value driven initiative. Ideally you want to build a level of trust and authority with that prospect through multiple touch points. By focusing on adding value first, you ...


First, when you make enough sales face-to-face, hire someone to manage social media for you. You don't have to do it like everyone else, but you need to have a presence online to be a serious contender in the marketplace. Even people who meet you face-to-face may be less enthusiastic about buying...


Mitigate risk. You're asking a store manager to dedicate space that costs money (and must generate revenue) to an experimental (unproven) product. I've seen some cottage industry food sellers here in Detroit work out deals to set up and sell their products at local stores. They get a day or two...


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