
Results for: Marketing Strategy

You can use a QR code to print on business cards. There are a ton of sites that allow you to create codes. You can google to see which ones offer the services you need (expires after download, etc)


The most powerful element of your brand in the early-stage of your startup is your reputation. Every interaction you have can positively build (or negatively impact) your brand. This can't be bought, but can be easily lost. Common ways I've seen start-ups lose their reputation early: 1) Not l...


If you have a self-hosted Wordpress blog, there is a great free plugin called "Tweet Old Posts" which will promote older posts on a schedule you set. It works really well and is simple to setup. Cheers, Hani


After reviewing your site I found there was a potential for confusion with which is a completely different site. How does the name reflect what you are providing? Would be good to explain this somewhere. I also found the About Us page was way too vague and the FAQ's, while better, sti...


Simplify. Go explain the tool to a group of kids (I usually use my own) but someone else's will do just as well. Explain the tool to them and take notes. Keep track of points that confuse them and make a point to clarify until its clear. Once you are done compile the notes into a presentation of...


If I am not mistaken, You want to add people based on the email addresses you have. If that's the case, its really simple. Go to add connection>Click any email option> select Invite by individual email option and paste the emails you have. Via this, the invite would be sent to these people but i...


If I understand you correctly, you're saying a customer agreed to pay you for services (product and/or support), either through posted prices and a shrink-wrapped license or through a written contract, and then you provided those services, and then they didn't pay? And you're asking whether it's...


The concept of having a directory to get advice has been around for years .. earliest occurance I can find is 1999 with (acquired by AT&T). In todays world, there's | + many many others. The key is community & liquidity. Marketplaces are...


Not sure there is a definitive, one-size-fits-all answer, but I can give you my experience. I've had much better success with multiple touch points than the single blast. I would specifically target folks who opened, but didn't click the first email, and send them a second email with a modified...


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