
Results for: Online Marketing

Great question. Hi! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm an MBA growth strategist coach with years and exceptional experience. Your dilemma is not necessarily pricing, Airbnb might be a good place to belong but also consider that your ideal companies won't necessarily be looking for a nightly deal. E...


I'd recommend doing it yourself using techniques commonly referred to as 'growth hacking'. There are a lot of resources on the web to learn, but here is a very thorough and cheap intro: (Sometim...


I have always wondered about that model when it's not vertical and anyone can sell anything Digital, Physical or Service. (Gumroad, Selify, etc) Marketplaces tend gain traction faster when they are vertical and specific. My best word of advice would be to select the vertical that's bringing in t...


Start with allocating about 1-2 hours a day to reach the industry communities you are affiliated with. We recommend to our clients to work on 1) Twitter 2) LinkedIn and 3) Google+. Our research has shown that the reach on Facebook is not as effective as it is on Twitter. We have clients who have ...


I own and operate several brick and mortar shops (health related) and have had good success with online strategies. By good success I mean that nearly 50% of my client base finds my business via online search. While I am certainly happy to share my strategies with you - I'd strongly suggest you...


Place your program on JVZoo or another affiliate marketing platform and pay an affiliate fee to the marketers for promoting your program. Give away a lot of free but valuable content to your online sphere of influence through twitter, linkedin, G+, FB, etc. If you would like to schedule a free ...


You can read about Zaarly, which was a 2-sided reverse Craigslist, and their struggles with pricing and the ultimate impact it had on their decision to change to a storefront only tool. *


Upwork (formerly oDesk) is a great place to find "certified" and reviewed remote-working contractors. Results are generally good, as it is backed by a review system. However, there needs to be a clear scope-of-work and you need a coordinator / project manager for best results. Let me know if yo...


As far as targeting a single high school, I don't know. But, in terms of platforms this audience uses, Tumbler, Instagram, Snap Chat & Vine would be good targets.


I actually did this business. The short answer is the vendor landscape is super-varied, and that means you have a ton of different companies to deal with, each of whom tends to be small and doesn't have a very good vendor support operation. Since we didn't want to carry inventory we did drop ship...


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