
Results for: SEO

Start by calling SEO resellers. Ask them if they experience any challenges sharing reports with their clients. If they do, dig into what the problems are. Does your solution meet what they need? If so, tell them you are creating a solution they'd like and ask them if they want to buy it. Then you...


Authorize is my choice. Don't use them directly-- set up your own UI. Though, from a "millionaire" point of view you shouldn't be accepting CC for medium/large marketing jobs to begin with. Any firm with authority should be able to have a "check, money order, or transfer" policy. There are too m...


Hi, Your site is a Q&A so I presume that every time someone create a new Question it will generate a unique URL for that. Indepentend if you have or not an answer you want Google to crawl and index your site as quick as possible to start to analyzing the new page and bring traffic to it. The be...


Google Search is already smart enough to capture those misspellings and shows recommendations for the correct words. Assuming that your website has been around for a while, Google will show users the branded site first in the results pages so the clicks will go there. Google figures out possible...


Personally I stopped using amp pages. Sure, it speeds up your site a little bit if it's a blog but I feel they're a worst user experience than having your regular site load on a faster server. The reason you're most likely seeing a high bounce rate because if someone is reading on Google News t...


Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Fees and Discounts > User Role Pricing. In the Role Price Fields section, enter the roles that will need specific prices. ... Save the settings. Go to your product and enter the prices for each role. For more information, please check the below link https://plugin...


Hello, I think that you should add tags for all of your relevant skill sets, and list them in your profile, however you can create separate listings for services on Clarity. In your case, it might be advantageous to create separate listings for each category that you specialise in, all from the s...


Google has placed importance on responsive design because it improves user experience and therefore more users visit the site and stay on the site longer. In turn this raises the sites ranking in Google. Your site content still needs to be good for you to rank in Google. Making a poorly ranking s...


Conducting a digital marketing audit in 2024 to grow your business involves several key steps: 1. **Define Goals**: Understand what you aim to achieve with your digital marketing efforts, whether it's increasing website traffic, improving conversion rates, or boosting brand awareness. 2. **Revi...


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