
Results for: SEO

Well, when you have viral marketing, then it helps to spread the word about your business like wildfire on it's own. It's a self-perpetuating loop. So rather than you paying for advertisements, people will share your content or tool or something else because it's so cool or does something valua...


If you'd only like the content to live at one location, and you're worried about legacy links that people shared across the internet breaking, then a 301 redirect from the old URLs to the new URLs is what you're looking for. Every HTTP Request receives a response code from the web server. Respon...


Typically just moving from one server to the next has no issues at all so long as you're not making any other changes to the site, such as changing URLs in a re-design process. Just make sure its a quality, respected server. If the server has issues then, yeah, you'll inherit them. But otherwise ...


Let's think about this for a moment, toaster ovens haven't been a common household appliance since the invention of the microwave. Although they are still found in the homes of the "I wanna be a gourmet chef at home" crowd which is a very lucrative niche'. Instead of limiting yourself to only t...


Upwork (formerly oDesk) is a great place to find "certified" and reviewed remote-working contractors. Results are generally good, as it is backed by a review system. However, there needs to be a clear scope-of-work and you need a coordinator / project manager for best results. Let me know if yo...


_Can_ you? Sure, but it's probably not the most effective way. What you're describing is "content marketing," and it's usually very good at improving the middle and bottom of the funnel. Meaning, when someone already knows about your site, your content marketing can help convert them to a trialer...


I think 13% is good - that's what mine is too. I think the bigger issue is getting more people to your profile page. It doesn't matter how good your page conversion is if you don't send people to it from your website or email marketing efforts. it also depends on your per minute rate.


Don't worry about Google Page Rank. It's already been declared dead ( Instead you should figure out how to get high quality and editoral links - which is the essence of page rank.


From a SEO perspective the domain shouldn't really make any difference - or at least not a major one. As Google often emphasizes they try to rank by relevance for the user. There's one main exception, which would be ccTLDs (country level domains). And while .CO is a ccTLD, it's considered a gener...


Ask them to brief explain their methodology and most important the KPI's that they will track thru your project. That way you can compare different agencies KPI's and see the ones that make sense with your business goals. A few ones to exemplify: General: Traffic, Sources, Conversion Rate, Bounc...


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